Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday Night Dinner!

I usually cook my roommate dinner every Tuesday so I decided to post about it this time! I started off by melting some butter, adding lemon juice, pepper and then dipping salmon into it. I then wrapped the salmon in tin foil and put it in the oven at 350 for 20 minutes. I then took the salmon out, put a lot of parmesan cheese on it and then put it back in the oven for 5 minutes.

While that was baking, I steamed some carrots and made a honey garlic sauce to put on them. I put butter, honey, fresh garlic and brown sugar in a pot. I put the pot on an element on low temperature and continued to stir it every once in a while. I then added the carrots to the sauce once it was the consistency of caramel.

I then took some regular frozen perogies and fried them in some butter. I fried them at low temperature until they were golden and then flipped them and fried them until they were golden on the other side. I then took a lot bunch of parmesan and sprinkled it on them. In case you were wondering, my roommate really likes parmesan!

That is all I did! This was just my second time ever cooking fish, so I was quite pleased with how it turned out. I prefer baking to cooking so it is always a challenge for me to cook a nice meal. What did everyone else have for dinner last night? And does anyone have a certain way they like to cook salmon? Thanks!

Happy cooking!


  1. That looks pretty tasty! You put alot of effort into that dinner, with a large variety of different foods. I am not a fan of seafood but your meal actually looks pretty good. I wish I had a roommate that made me food every week!

  2. That looks great! I'm also not a really big fan of fish but I might try that salmon, it looked delicious!
