Sunday, December 4, 2011


I have always wanted to make eggnog, but the idea of drinking raw eggs would put me off. I did make it once in highschool for my online food course and apparently it tasted good (according to my sister).

This year, I have decided to give it shot. Nothing should be better then having all natural ingredients with no additives or stabilizers to prevent sickness from the raw eggs. I don't know if anyone has ever looked at the ingredients in eggnog, but it is outstanding. This especially turned me off as there should only be a few ingredients in eggnog.

I have decided, especially with the raw egg factor, to go with someone who is very trustworthy. In this case, it is Alton Brown from the Food Network Channel. In his shows, he discusses the science behind what he is making in order to make it absolutely perfect.

The recipe can be found from this website: Alton Browns Eggnog Recipe

It tasted fantastic and the whole family (except my sister with her allergies) agreed that it was better then the store bought eggnog. The only thing that I had changed was using bacardi gold rum which is completely masked by the creaminess of the eggnog. This proved to be very dangerous.

Have you ever tried making home made eggnog? If so, did you find it better then the store bought eggnog?

Sweet Dreams!



  1. I have never tried to make eggnog at home, but I do love the stuff. Making food with raw eggs scares me also. I love adding a little liqueur into mine after the kiddies are off to bed. Good luck making eggnog. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I never thought of it that way. It is basically a cake mix sans the flour and how many times have I tasted cake batter before it's baked is too many to count :P. But there is a raw method and a cooked method and the cooked method is basically tempering the hot cream with the eggs but is that really enough? I tend to think that there are many recipes out there that require raw uncooked egg. A strange example of this is Julia Child's Mousse au Chocolat. She doesn't use cream, but uses whipped egg whites. It sounds so strange but I will most likely try it in the next few days to get my mind off of studying :) I'll let you guys know how it goes :)
