Turmeric powder, also known as haldi, comes from a root plant related to ginger and comes in powder form. It’s used as a spice in India and many other south Asian countries because it grows in these areas. I have up with this spice because it is used in almost all types of Punjabi cooking that isn’t sweet. In Indian weddings, it is mixed with oil to make a paste that is used on the bride and groom’s skin to bring out the “glow.” Well that’s what my family tells me. It is also widely used topically on wounds and given to the hurt person mixed in with warm milk to prevent infections and speed up healing.
There are many other uses for turmeric in prevention and treatment of diseases that are backed by research. It is also used on skin, hair and good for digestion.
- Protection against Alzheimer disease, Arthritis, Diabetes and heart disease
- Anti Cancer – Helps to prevent and shrink many different types of cancers and tumours
There are some bad sides to it as well. Since it is used in almost all Indian dishes, it can stain you teeth, clothes (be very carefully not to drop anything on yourself) and the tupperware.
I had heard of turmeric powder before used in cooking but I didn’t know about the health benefits provided. I am a nursing student so it is really interesting to hear about different things we eat and the effect on our health that they can have. Different herbs especially have gr4eatly impacted medicine. For turmeric to protect against Alzheimer’s is really amazing because that is such a devastating disease that has no cure. I will be sure to add this to some of my cooking!