Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why cooking is better

Anything that is processed can be something that is altered from its natural state. If something has been frozen, refrigerated and dehydrated to delay the spoilage of the food. These types of processing aren’t necessarily bad as long as something else isn’t added to the packaged food. A bag of frozen vegetables or dry fruits were just frozen and dehydrated. These types of foods would be considered on the healthy side of processing foods.

On the other side, there are ingredients put into foods like precooked frozen meals that have a lot more added to the food then can be seen on the picture on the box. These are the ingredients you can’t even pronounce much less know what they are. Most of the time all these additives are not to preserve the shelf life of the food but to have them taste like they hadn’t been frozen for a year and just recently “cooked” in the microwave. No precooked food manufacturer would make any profit if they cooked the food without any additives and froze it because it wouldn’t taste any good and no one would eat it.

Everyone has less time to cook so they end up eating these types of foods. But recently concerns over what types of health effects the additives can have on us in the long term has had some people reconsider what they eat. If you want to find out if what you are eating is on the good side of processed foods just have a look at the ingredients and if there are more ingredients you don’t know then you do know look for something else.


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  4. A Little Flavour of Me

    Hi, my name is Erin, and I am a little of "sugar and spice and everything nice." This is my first experience with blogging. I chose the cooking blog because I enjoy cooking and love food and all its many flavours and smells. I enjoy experimenting with ethnic dishes and new recipes.

    Most of the cooking knowledge I have acquired comes from watching my mother prepare meals. Often I would help or even ask questions, and now that I have children I hope to pass this love of cooking onto them as they grow. My oldest son is always around in the kitchen while I am cooking, this is similar to how I began learning.

    Learning to cook is not just by sight and smell but also tasting. Sometimes this sense alone can create the best results when cooking. Trying new techniques and experimenting is also what cooking entails. When I am trying to replicate something my mother made, or even something I tried at a party, I taste test as I go. I didn't start cooking like Martha Stewart out of the blue one day, and I have made just as many terrible things as good tasting dishes. It is trial and error and a little of your personality mixed with everything you know or are learning. Everyone is unique and enjoys different food. Cooking is meant to be enjoyed like art.

    While blogging, I hope to post a couple of tricks I have learned and find some new recipes and techniques from the other bloggers.
